Semiconductor Device Packaging
As semiconductor technologies continue to permeate everything in our daily lives, and become more personal, the devices we use are becoming smaller and more powerful every day. The semiconductor industry has successfully scaled performance and cost through Moore’s Law, but the packaging of semiconductors has not yet approached the same sort of complementary scale due to cost or technology constraints. Increasingly, multiple semiconductor devices must be grouped together to create a single, miniature component module, and semiconductor devices are being stacked to form 3D blocks of circuits. As we move to the era of wearable, printable, and consumable components, packaging must change to be more flexible, organic, digestible, renewable, dissolvable and follow the same integration cost and size advantages as Moore’s Law provides for semiconductor devices.
Research in this area would include advanced materials science research; new materials for flexible or consumable electronics; stacked circuit techniques for advanced integration; packaging substrate manufacturing technology; advanced test techniques for miniature packaging; nano-scale packaging; sustainability or recyclability of packaging materials and manufacturing techniques.